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How to use Habitect

December 28, 2022

How does Habitect actually work?

Habitect is a habit and task tracking software. It has two fundamental things:

  • Habit: A habit is something you want to complete on some regular schedule, eg daily. For example, wake up at 7:00AM on weekdays, exercise 3x per week, etc.
  • Task: A task is a one-off thing you need to get done, without a regular schedule. For example, buy groceries, send a specific email, etc.

Creating a Habit

With Habitect, starting a new habit is easy. Go to the Create Habit page and fill out the form. Here's what the fields represent:

  • Name and Description: self explanatory
  • Type of Habit: A positive habit is a behavior to encourage, and a negative habit is a behavior to discourage. Neutral habits are useful for tracking things that aren't inherently good or bad, like spending time on a hobby.
  • Days of Week: the days of the week on which you want to complete this habit
  • Time of Day: this is used to sort your habits on the Today and Progress pages


The two most important pages in Habitect are Today and Progress.

The Today page shows you both the Habits and Tasks to complete on the current day.

The Progress page shows you what you've done in the past two weeks for all of your habits.